Sunday, June 18, 2006

Fine ones to talk, us, we know, but...

Why do the media never 'get' the crux of arguments about TV coverage? Take special note of the attempt to criticise BBC Sport because some of its pundits have accents. We don't recall anyone moaning about Gordon Strachan's Scottishness for the whole season he was on MOTD2. We find it harder to understand Alan Shearer most of the time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday Times (prop. R. Murdoch) probably prefers Sky Sports (prop. R. Murdoch)

1:14 pm, June 18, 2006

Blogger Del said...

Yes, funny that. I have to agree with the terrible habit of ITV to take 14 minutes of half time before even addressing the game you're watching. I missed Ghana's opening goal, and had to wait til just before the second half kick off before seeing it. The spent more time analysing the Portugal game highlights and pointlessly shoving a microphone in the faces of confused Americans on an army base. Terrible.

2:07 pm, June 18, 2006

Blogger Steve Williams said...

"One football fan noted that a BBC commentator had claimed Australia was the only Commonwealth country England had ever lost to."

ie, that noted BBC commentator, Clive Tyldesley.

1:33 pm, June 19, 2006


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